Meet our Leadership Team.


Classroom Coordinator
Susie Acklie
Susie ensures that our NMC Kids classrooms are ready to welcome our families and Tablesetters by keeping them organized, stocked, and sanitized.
Production Specialist
Jerry Anderson
Jerry assists with all tech needs including Weekend Services, events on campus, and video production.
Executive Assistant
Ashley Barnett
Ashley assists the Lead and Executive Pastor and corresponds to leadership groups, including the Board of Advisors and Elders.
Worship Pastor
Clark Beasley
Clark leads our Music Teams and is responsible for all aspects of music for our Weekend Experience.
Design Director
Zach Benson
Zach oversees all aspects of NMC’s brand standards. In addition, he works closely with our Next Steps team and manages all photography, graphic design, and video campaigns for NMC.
Video Producer
Curt Cain
Curt is the main storyteller and filmmaker at NMC. In addition, he and his team help produce video content for all ministries within the church.
Finance & Administration Director
Kristin Chance
Kristin is responsible for the church's financial transactions and financial reporting. She is also responsible for the coordination of churchwide administrative tasks.
Kids Programming Coordinator
Ashley Colwell
Ashley is responsible for implementing curriculum and content in Sunday morning classrooms, large group environments, and parent resources in NMC Kids.
Mobilization Pastor
Bud Darr
Bud leads the mobilization efforts of NMC by organizing our church body to serve our community and our local and global ministry partners.
Care & Discipleship Coordinator
Reeny Eberhard
Reeny supports our care and discipleship ministry and teams.
Middle School Pastor
Brian Ellison
Brian provides leadership and care to our 5-7th grade ministry, Shift.
Discipleship Ministries Pastor
Becky Everette
Becky gives direction to our discipleship, care, and marriage enrichment ministries as well as our adult baptism process.
Barrett Campus Pastor
Daniel Hicks
Daniel gives leadership to NMC's connection groups, community groups, and large group events. He is also a part of the teaching team.
Facilities Coordinator
Patrick Ingram
Patrick assists with ensuring our facilities are always ready to be used.
Sewell Mill Campus Pastor
Matt Johnston
Matt provides pastoral leadership to the Sewell Mill Campus. He also writes curriculum for NMCU and serves on our teaching team.
Barrett Campus Coordinator
Dawna Kyber
Dawna coordinates NMC's connection groups, community groups, and large group events for the Barrett Campus.
Next Steps Pastor
Jess Magee
Jess helps NMC family members and guests feel at home at NMC and find their next step as they follow Jesus.
Executive Pastor
John Maggard
John works with the Board of Advisors to ensure NMC has the proper resources to accomplish our mission, including finances, facilities, and human resources.
Student Pastor
Derek McClardy
Derek gives leadership to our Student Ministry, serving middle school (5-7th), high school (8-12th), and college-aged young adults (ages 18-22).
Lead Pastor
Rob McDowell
Rob serves as our Lead Teaching Pastor and leads the NMC staff. Rob helps to set and implement the vision, mission, and strategic direction of North Metro Church.
Ministry Coordinator
Dana Morelly
Dana serves as coordinator for our Curriculum and Care Team and the Next Steps Team. She is responsible for all administrative tasks for North Metro Church University.
Facilities Director
Spencer Oliver
Spencer oversees all aspects of the church building and grounds to ensure that it is ready to be used for our church.
Sewell Mill Coordinator
Sophia Pacheco
Sophia is responsible for coordinating NMC Kids and Next Steps at our Sewell Mill Campus. She works closely with the Sewell Mill Pastor, Matt Johnston.
Curriculum Pastor
Rebecca Ross
Rebecca leads our Curriculum & Care Team and College Internship Program. She helps select and implements curriculum-based programs so people can learn more about Jesus.
Kids Tablesetter Coordinator
Barbara Smith
Barbara onboards, schedules, and leads classroom Tablesetters in NMC Kids. She also plans and executes events that involve kids and their families.
Creative Arts Pastor
Matt Solik
Matt leads our Service Programming Team and is responsible for all aspects of the Weekend Experience.
Student Coordinator
Jill Stewart
Jill oversees all administrative tasks and coordinates events for Shift and Compass. In addition, she trains and provides care and guidance to our Tablesetters in NMC Students.
Childcare Coordinator
Lindsay Stippich
Lindsay oversees aspects of paid childcare at NMC, including hiring, training, and leading all childcare workers according to the needs of NMC events.
Production Director
Andrew Walden
Andrew oversees all production needs for Weekend Services and events on campus and NMC+, including lighting, video, and audio production.
Care Pastor
David Watson
David provides care and leadership to our support groups and Stephen Ministry.
College Pastor
Brandon Webber
Brandon serves as our College Pastor, providing leadership and mentorship to college-aged adults.
Project Director
Courtney West
Courtney oversees projects and avenues of communication at NMC, supporting each ministry area to further the vision and mission of NMC.
Facilities Coordinator
Forrest Winship
Forrest assists with the set-up and breakdown of any event happening within the building to ensure our facilities are always ready to be used.
Kids Pastor
Nathan Woodward
Nathan directs our NMC Kids Ministry. In addition, he leads and encourages the NMC Kids staff and Tablesetters.

Board of Advisors

Matt Allman
Angela Daniel
Shawn Holland
Susan Kirkland
John Maggard
Matt McGee
Tim Miles
Ed Morris
Bethany North
Ryan Reeser
Yvonne Robinson
Katherine Watson
Doug Cunningham

Council of Elders

Owen Adair
Scott Busby
Doug Cunningham
Jose Diaz
Jim Delozier
Shawn Holland
Andy Lampert
Rob McDowell
Henry Salley
Kim Williamson
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